Sea Scouts

Sea Scouts are 10 1/2 to 14 year old do-ers and give-it-a-go-ers. Yes, we go sailing, kayaking, canoeing, rafting, camping, hiking, swimming, abseiling, and cycling. But, we also get to hang out with our friends every week – having fun, playing games, working in a team and taking on new challenges.  Join our waiting list

The Sea Scout Troop is run and supported by a team of trained scout leaders.

The joining age is 10 1/2yrs for both boys and girls.

During the summer we meet at a local Sailing Centre, WOSC, where we allow the Scouts to either learn to Sail or Kayak or both. Most Scout groups stop meeting during the summer holidays, but this is the best time for us!

During the Summer the scouts can work towards qualifications from the Royal Yachting Association which are internationally recognised and syncronised with the Scouts staged badges.

The winter season consists of evenings spent at Cokethorpe School learning key Scouting skills, like fire lighting, compass and map work, rope work and playing team games.

Winter Meetings

Winter (Sept - April)

During the winter months we run a more traditional scouting programme based at Cokethorpe School Sports Hall and in the local communities.

Full uniform is required for winter meetings. All scouts must bring a bag of scruffs - clothing to change into that is warm and that they don't mind getting messy!

Summer Meetings

Summer (1st week of May until beginning of Sept)

In the summer we focus on water activities and sailing skills. We are based at the West Oxfordshire Sailing Club.

Uniform is not required in the Summer as Scouts should arrive ready to go in the water with appropriate wet clothing. A barbeque is run by parents so that Scouts and their families can finish the evening with a warm meal and time with scouting friends.

Royal Navy Recognition

The Scout Association and the Royal Navy operate a recognition scheme, through which high quality Sea Scout provision is recognised and rewarded.  There is real prestige associated Royal Navy Recognition.  Standards are checked at regular inspections by an officer of the Royal Navy. 1st Standlake and Cokethorpe are proud to be Royal Navy Recognised Group Number 98.

As a Royal Navy Recognised Sea Scout Group we are entitled to fly a Red Ensign and blue pennant, both defaced with a Scout arrowhead and Admiralty crown. We also wear the Royal Navy Recognition badge on our uniform. Sailing, Kayaking and Canoeing are at the heart of our activities in the Summer!

We are supported by The Admiral Lord Nelson Active Support Unit which is responsible for managing the events for the Royal Navy Recognised Sea Scouts on behalf of the Staff Officer Sea Scouts.

Numeral 9 Flag
Numeral 8 Flag

Activity and Staged Badges

During the time your child is a Sea Scout they will move through an award system. Scouting has a number of Activity Badges and Challenge Awards which we aim to work towards as your child goes from Scouts to Explorers. Should you wish to know more about the award system, you can find details on the Scouts web site. Badges can be worked towards outside of regular Pack meetings by Scouts and discussed with one of the leaders.

In addition there are the three Nautical Skills activity badges which combine a number of activities together with maritime tradition and associated skills.

Challenge and Award Badges

Sea Scouts may achieve the same awards as other Scouts. The challenge awards can be adapted to achieve a more nautical bias to enable Sea Scouts to build on the skills training they receive.

Challenge Awards are all about stepping outside your comfort zone. Try out something you wouldn't normally be interested in. Take the lead on something that scares you. Along the way, you'll unlock hidden talents and stand tall.

The Chief Scout's Gold Award is the highest award a Scout can earn. To complete it, you need to earn six Activity or Staged Activity Badges of your choice, as well as all seven of the Challenge Awards.

Parental Support

As you will understand, our leaders are all volunteers. It will help the group and Scout Troop if you are prepared to give up your time for a night a year, particularly running the barbeque during summer meetings. Without your help we cannot run the activities that the scouts most enjoy.

Subscriptions are £15 per Month ideally paid direct to bank by standing order.  Please contact the Treasurer for details of the Group bank account. You can also sign up for Gift-aid to further aid the group. Details are in OSM

Online Scout Manager

We use OSM to help us administer our Scout Troop. We ask that all parents login and keep details up-to-date. We rely upon OSM for accurate information about medical, allergy and contact information. You can also use OSM to see badges and progress, see our programme and sign-up for camps and other events. This is also where we will show when we would like parents to volunteer.

  1. West Oxon District Badge (left) & Oxfordshire County Badge next to it
  2. Badge 2
  3. Badge 3 Challenge Badges
  4. Badge 4 Leadership Award
  5. Badge 5 Scout Membership
  6. Badge 6 Activity Badges
  7. Badge 7 Staged Activity Badges
  8. Badge 8 Moving on award
  9. Badge 9 Participation awards
  10. Badge 10 Chief Scout's Gold award
  11. Badge 11 RN Recognition Badge
  12. Badge 12 Union Flag
  13. Badge 13 Awards
  14. Badge 14 Name Tape - 1st Standlake & Cokethorpe Sea Scout Group



We expect all scouts to attend St George’s day parade usually held on the Sunday nearest to 23rd April and the Remembrance day parade usually held on the Sunday nearest to 11th November. Smart and fill uniform is expected.

Regular camps:

May half term sees the RN Sea Scout Summer Camp for ages 12 and over. A week long camp staying on HMS Bristol, Whale Island, Portsmouth.

This is a great week of activities or chance to gain a nautical qualification in sailing, power boating or kayaking.

Summer camp in July; surf camps, water activity weeks, and grand adventures abroad.

CPCW – County Patrol Camping Weekend, early October, camping competition for patrol, scouts get to do it all for themselves.

Also there could be boating and sailing weekends from Portsmouth, Kayak trips down the Thames and survival camps.

Water Activities

We spend our summer Thursdays from first week of May to the first week of September at West Oxfordshire Sailing Club (WOSC).

WOSC is a lovely place to spend a summers evening, by the water or walking around the lake.

The group has brought together a great range of water activity kit; kayaks and canoes, dinghys, buoyancy aids and helmets.

Leaders hold various water based qualifications between us, and we have BCU instructors, RYA Dinghy and Power boat instructors, RYA power boat level 2, RYA dinghy level 2, RYA Narrowboating (inland waterways) and RYA Day Skipper (yachting).

Activities are run under the Scout association POR (policy, organisation and rules), which means that all equipment has to be checked - to be safe to use, Instructors and adult helpers hold permits issued by the scout association to prove they are able to run activities. Scouts can also gain permits to show that they are at a level to look after themselves, whilst taking part in activities as long as an instructor is present for that activity.
