1st Standlake and Cokethorpe (Sea Scouts) Cub Pack

Cub Scouts

Cubs are young people aged 8 to 10½ who, master new skills and try new things, have fun and go on adventures, make friends and help others. Every week, we gather in our Cub Pack to take part in lots of interesting and challenging activities – achieving anything we set our mindRegister your interest in Cubs to, and having lots of fun along the way.  Register your interest in Cubs

Scout World Membership Award Badge

We meet at Standlake Village Hall, starting promptly at 6.30 pm and finishing at 8.00 p.m on Wednesday evenings. We aim to run about 10 to 12 sessions each term, although this can vary. At the beginning of each term we issue a programme for the entire term's activities, although again, this may need to be changed at the last moment. During the longer evenings we hope to be able to do events and hold wide games outside.

Scouting has a number of Activity Badges and Challenge Awards which we aim to work towards as your child goes from Beavers to Scouts. Should you wish to know more about the award system, you can find details on the Scouts web site. Badges can be worked towards outside of regular Pack meetings by Cubs and discussed with one of the leaders.

In addition to the regular Pack meetings we will try to organise a weekend camp or two each year, some time on the water at the West Oxfordshire Sailing Club where the Scout section of the Group meet during the summer. We will also try to organise a couple of days out in connection with some of the badges.

We welcome any new cubs that want to see what we are about, so keep an eye out for bring a friend evenings.

Cub Pack around the flag at Camp during roll call


Meetings are held on Wednesday evenings at Standlake Village Hall 6.30pm until 8.00pm.

There is a large car park next to the village hall. Cubs should be escorted to the village hall as there is no street lighting.

The Jungle Book was written by Rudyard Kipling and tells the story of how a boy called Mowgli became a member of a wolf cub pack, and his adventures in the jungle. In many Cub Scout Packs, including ours, the Leaders take the names of characters from the book and are known by these names to the Cubs.


Shere Khan

The Tiger

Jules Wale


The Bear

Peter Almgill


The Snake

Robert Pidsley


The Lion

Peter Craddock


Scouts are a uniformed organisation and all Cub Scouts are expected to arrive and depart in clean uniform and correctly dressed, unless specifically advised otherwise.

Full unform is worn at the start and end of meetings and for formal occasions. Uniform is an official cubs sweatshirt and either school or scout activity trousers.

Cubs can choose to wear the official hoodie or polo shirt as activity wear for the middle parts of meetings and on camps.

The official uniform Cub Sweatshirt can be purchased online at:-

http://shop.scouts.org.uk/ or www.scout-and-guide-shop.co.uk/ 

The 1st Standlake & Cokethorpe group Necker will be provided by the group when your cub is formally invested into the pack.

We advise against using badge glue as we often have to remove or replace badges and this leaves a mark. Cubs should be sewing their badges on themselves.

Activity and Staged Badges

During the time your child is a Cub Scout they will move through an award system. Scouting has a number of Activity Badges and Challenge Awards which we aim to work towards as your child goes from Beavers to Scouts. Should you wish to know more about the award system, you can find details on the Scouts web site. Badges can be worked towards outside of regular Pack meetings by Cubs and discussed with one of the leaders

Cub Pack Activity and Staged Badges

Challenge and Award Badges

Challenge Awards are all about stepping outside your comfort zone. Try out something you wouldn't normally be interested in. Take the lead on something that scares you. Along the way, you'll unlock hidden talents and stand tall.

The Chief Scout's Silver Award is the highest award a Cub can earn. To complete it, you need to earn six Activity or Staged Activity Badges of your choice, as well as all seven of the Challenge Awards.

Cub Pack Challenge and Award Badges

Parental Support

As you will understand, our leaders are all volunteers. It will help the group and pack if you are prepared to give up your time for a night a year, without your help we cannot run the activities that the children most enjoy.

Subscriptions are £9 per Month ideally paid direct to bank by standing order.  Please contact the Treasurer for details of the Group bank account. You can also sign up for Gift-aid to further aid the group. Details are in OSM

Logo and Link to Online Scout Manager (OSM)

Online Scout Manager

We use OSM to help us administer our Cub Pack. We ask that all parents login and keep details up-to-date. We rely upon OSM for accurate information about medical, allergy and contact information. You can also use OSM to see badges and progress, see our programme and sign-up for camps and other events. This is also where we will show when we would like parents to volunteer.

Royal Navy Recognition

The Scout Association and the Royal Navy operate a recognition scheme, through which high quality Sea Scout provision is recognised and rewarded.  There is real prestige associated Royal Navy Recognition.  Standards are checked at regular inspections by an officer of the Royal Navy. 1st Standlake and Cokethorpe are proud to be Royal Navy Recognised Group Number 98.

All Cub Packs are land based but we share in the Groups's Navy Tradition and prepare our cubs for their transition to Sea Scouts. Being a member of our Cub Pack guarentees admission to Sea Scouts and we share water activities with the Scouts whenever we can.

The official defaced red ensign of the Scout Association
Cub Scouts rafting in Standlake near Witney

Summer Water Activities

We try and get out onto the water in the summer months with the Sea Scouts as much as we are able.

Cub Scouts demonstrating their Science skills in Standlake near Witney

Interesting Activities

We experiment and explore the world around us, learn new things and have a good time.

How to join

Lots of young people want to join Cubs and you might have to wait for a space to become available before you can start your journey. If you have any questions about accessibility, it’s best to contact us in addition to your application. By being upfront about additional needs from the start, parents/carers can work in partnership with local leaders to make sure their young person has the best experience possible.

On your first night at Cubs, you’ll be taking part in lots of activities, and should just wear something you feel comfortable in.

Eventually, you’ll get your own Cub uniform to wear to meetings and camps. Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical. It means no one feels uncomfortable or left out and helps everyone to feel a part of the Pack. It also gives you a place to show off all the badges you earn.

To register your young person's interest please use the form below

Guides to our Cub Pack

We have created some guides to help you and your young Cub Scout. We publish them so that Cubs that wish to be know what might happen before the arrive can prepare. We also have some expectations of our young people that are important when you are part of a team and where safety is part of the culture.

Guide to joining our Cub Pack

We have produced this guide for new cubs to help them start their journey with Scouting and our Pack with success.

How we start our meetings

Our Grand Howl, the start of the Cub Scout Pack meeting with traditions from the start of Scouting.

What our investiture looks like

When you have decided to stay with us we will invest you and help you make your promise and join our Cub Pack and Scout Group.